beautiful solar lilies

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I just received this bunch of solar lilies from my parents and they’re so pretty I want more.

My family never struggles with what to get me for my birthday, Mother’s Day, or Christmas – if they can’t come up with anything else it’s solar lights of one kind or another.

These are fabric and came as a set of six stems. Each has four flowers and all of them light up so there are 24 glowing blooms at night.

There were three white ones, three pinks, and three purples.

white solar lilies during the day
pink and purple solar lilies during the day

My dad got the same set for my mom and she put a number of them in a large, round, wooden planter at the edge of the walkway to their front door.

I had a number of ideas about where I wanted to put mine but when I saw a picture of how they’d set up theirs, I knew exactly how I wanted to use them.

I had an old, burgundy planter that had been sitting in the garage for years.

I filled it with dirt and stuck the lilies in as a large cluster.

solar lilies in planter during daylight

To make sure that the sun would reach each solar panel, I twisted each one so the panels were all facing out in a circle.

lily solar panels arranged in a ring in a planter

I put the planter in a corner of the cool deck around my pool and inserted a colored solar spotlight at the outer edge of the planter.

I pointed the spotlight down towards the pool and set it to blue.

solar lilies in planter with blue spotlight pointing towards the pool

Fortunately, this spot gets full sunlight most of the day so I’ve had no issues with any of the lights not getting enough charge.

The lilies are really bright at night – especially with them bunched together.

The base of each lights up as a bright green that’s picked up from the stems. It makes for the most brilliant, colorful display.

I don’t know why I never thought to put mine in a cluster like this but I love how this looks.

I had a solar rose stake that was by itself in the gravel around the edge of my yard and put that into the planter along with the lilies.

I had to stop myself from adding all of the solar flowers in my yard to that one planter.

I now want a second, matching planter for the other corner.

I suggested to hubby that maybe a whole row of planters filled with these flowers running along the back edge of the pool would be pretty cool.

I’m not sure he thought it was as neat an idea as I did…

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